1. Experience & data

Determining whether an item is authentic or not is no small task.

Over the years our in-house team of experts have authenticated 100K+ items on behalf of our customers, and theres no substitute for experience.

We’ve compiled data from every inauthentic item we’ve checked at Label Source to build a database of exactly what to look out for.

This database is updated each & every time we catch a fake, and constantly serves to keep our team educated and up to date.


We get up close with every item, inspecting all aspects. 

Key indicators we meticulously check are an items logo fonts, stitching quality, wash labels, smell, shape, zippers, buttons, materials, packaging, barcodes, labels and much more.


The condition of pre-owned items we buy & sell can vary hugely. We deal with a broad spectrum of conditions – ranging from brand new, to used, to items with defects.

Transparency is key to building a trusting relationship with our customers. You will find a condition rating we assign to each item on our product pages, which will accurately represent the condition of the item.


Our authenticators share a deep love and knowledge for the products we authenticate. This passion transcends into our vigorous checks. 

Fighting counterfeits is something we take very seriously here at GarmsMarket.